6th July 1957 – Part 1: The Quarrymen on Parade

The Quarrymen in the parade
The Quarrymen in the parade
The Quarrymen, including John, on the wagon during the parade

On 6th July 1957, the day John Lennon met Paul McCartney for the first time, there was a parade around the village of Woolton. At the front of the parade was a marching band, and at the back was The Quarrymen. In the above photo, you can see that John is singing, though nobody else is doing anything!

The Quarrymen (left to right) are: Pete Shotton, Eric Griffiths, Len Garry, John Lennon, Colin Hanton and Rod Davis. The photos of the parade were taken by Rod’s father James Davis. This photo appeared in my first book, Liddypool, and was inserted at the last minute, when the book was on the printing press ready to go! We literally said; “Hold the presses!” It was the first time it had appeared in a book.

When I was working on my second book, “The Fab one hundred and Four: The Evolution of The Beatles”, I gained permission from Rod Davis to reproduce all of the photos from the parade, the only book to include all of the photographs. These include the marching band, brownies and guides, the youth group, the Rose Queen and another of The Quarrymen. They are incredible. You can get your copy of the book here.

As the parade finished, everyone left the parade, as The Quarrymen clambered down from the wagon, and walked along the side of the church to the field behind the church. In that crowd watching closely was Ivan Vaughan, and his school friend Paul McCartney. Who could have predicted what would happen this day would still be talked about all these years later.

David Bedford

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Author: David Bedford

David Bedford grew up in The Dingle, attended the primary school that Ringo Starr did, before moving to Penny Lane, where his three daughters attended Dovedale Primary School, where John Lennon and George Harrison had previously attended. His first book, "Liddypool" was published in 2009, now in its third edition. His second book, "The Fab one hundred and Four" was published in 2013, and his third book, "Finding the Fourth Beatle" was published in 2018. He was also the Associate Producer and Beatles historian for the documentary feature film, "Looking for Lennon". He is working on several other projects at the moment,

6 thoughts on “6th July 1957 – Part 1: The Quarrymen on Parade”

  1. The Tip was derelict land between Vale Rd and Menlove Ave. Lennon, Shotton, Vaughan and Lympany often strolled across it while us younger kids played there. Once they took my bat during a cricket game, but I got it back quickly. They were known for their sarcy comments and teddy boy hair but were pretty harmless in reality

  2. Hi, Thanks for your great website.

    I worked with the son of Ivan Vaughan, and learned that Ivan was Jewish. Why is this never mentioned?
    I would love ‘the world’ to know this (I know Epstein was, but people will dismiss this, as typical type of Jewish role). There is now a Wikipedia page to Ivan Vaughan, very modest and brief. Do you know any sources I can find to ‘prove this’ please? I myself and Jewish, and we are always looking for ‘role models’ to help the world be nicer to us!! ha ha. Seriously, I do think this needs honouring in Ivan.

    Kind regards,

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