On 16th August 1962, Pete Best was taken into Brian Epstein’s office and fired. Or was he?
With the full information in my book Finding the Fourth Beatle, here is a summary of what happened in that summer of 1962 in my latest YouTube video
Why Pete Best wasn’t fired
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Author: David Bedford
David Bedford grew up in The Dingle, attended the primary school that Ringo Starr did, before moving to Penny Lane, where his three daughters attended Dovedale Primary School, where John Lennon and George Harrison had previously attended.
His first book, "Liddypool" was published in 2009, now in its third edition. His second book, "The Fab one hundred and Four" was published in 2013, and his third book, "Finding the Fourth Beatle" was published in 2018. He was also the Associate Producer and Beatles historian for the documentary feature film, "Looking for Lennon".
He is working on several other projects at the moment,
View all posts by David Bedford
2 thoughts on “The Day Pete Best WasNot Fired from The Beatles”
Wow-what an interesting and complex story! (A movie in itself)Thanks for explaining it so well. (and yes , I DO have the book but haven’t read it yet)
Wow-what an interesting and complex story! (A movie in itself)Thanks for explaining it so well. (and yes , I DO have the book but haven’t read it yet)
Thank you, now go read it!!