The Beatles Bookstore

The Beatles Bookstore
The Beatles Bookstore

Just Launched

So, if you haven’t seen it yet, I have launched a new website last week called The Beatles Bookstore. It is a collaboration between Beatles authors to support each other, and to showcase out books to the world!

We have author pages for each of the authors signed up and there are already nearly 30 books in the store.

Covid-19 Social Distancing

In the current climate, there are so few stores open and all the Beatles festivals have been cancelled, so this is a great opportunity for us authors to, hopefully, sell our books!

Free Book!

Just for singing up at The Beatles Bookstore you will be entered into a draw to win a signed copy of my book, “The Fab on Hundred and Four” for the month of May 2020.

Open 8 Days A Week

Please share the link and spread the word – The Beatles Bookstore is open 8 Days a Week!

Thanks for the support

David Bedford

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Author: David Bedford

David Bedford grew up in The Dingle, attended the primary school that Ringo Starr did, before moving to Penny Lane, where his three daughters attended Dovedale Primary School, where John Lennon and George Harrison had previously attended. His first book, "Liddypool" was published in 2009, now in its third edition. His second book, "The Fab one hundred and Four" was published in 2013, and his third book, "Finding the Fourth Beatle" was published in 2018. He was also the Associate Producer and Beatles historian for the documentary feature film, "Looking for Lennon". He is working on several other projects at the moment,

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