Global Beatles Day

Global Beatles Day

Today, 25th June, is Global Beatles Day, so wherever you are, celebrate The Beatles! And what a momentous day in Beatles history it is. You can follow their progress from 1960-67:

25th June 1960 – The Silver Beatles performed at Grosvenor Ballroom, with drummer Norman Chapman (more to follow about him)
25th June 1962 – The Beatles, with Pete Best, perform at the Plaza Ballroom, St Helens, just outside Liverpool.
25th June 1963 – The Beatles, now with Ringo, are the number 1 act in the UK and on tour in Middlesborough.
25th June 1964 – After Ed Sullivan, The Beatles are in the middle of their world tour, and after Jimmie Nicol stepped in for Ringo, the Fab Four are back together.
25th June 1965 – The Beatles are performing in Genoa, Italy. However, the shows were poorly attended!
25th June 1966 – The Beatles are in Essen, Germany, as part of their Bravo-Blitztournee.
25th June 1967 – The Beatles perform “All You Need Is Love” in front of a worldwide audience of 400 million people as part of “Our World”.

If ever one date deserves to be Global Beatles Day, this is it.

Yes, but what did The Beatles ever do for us??? Where do you start?

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David Bedford

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Author: David Bedford

David Bedford grew up in The Dingle, attended the primary school that Ringo Starr did, before moving to Penny Lane, where his three daughters attended Dovedale Primary School, where John Lennon and George Harrison had previously attended. His first book, "Liddypool" was published in 2009, now in its third edition. His second book, "The Fab one hundred and Four" was published in 2013, and his third book, "Finding the Fourth Beatle" was published in 2018. He was also the Associate Producer and Beatles historian for the documentary feature film, "Looking for Lennon". He is working on several other projects at the moment,

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