60th Anniversary of Ed Sullivan

Lots of exciting things happening this week.

I’m off to New York on 8th Feb for the Fest for Beatles Fans weekend, where I will be giving some talks and doing panels etc. If you’re going, come and find me.

The latest video on our YouTube channel is with my friend Jude Southerland Kessler, talking about her new audiobook with the incredible Scott McKinley who dies 183 voices!!

Check it out here:

Also this week, my interview in 2 parts with Bruce Spizer as we dissect how the Beatles really got to be on the Ed Sullivan Show. Check those out this week too.


6th June 1962 – The Beatles Audition with George Martin

On this day in 1962, The Beatles rolled up at EMI STUDIOS in Abbey Road, London, to do their audition with George Martin.

It didn’t all go well, plus there were conversations which led to misunderstandings, which led to The Beatles getting rid of drummer Pete Best.

What really happened that day?

Find out in my latest video.


The Beatles EMI Audition

Chas Newby – My Time As a Beatle

In part 2 of my interview with the late Chas Newby, we discuss one of the most important concerts in Beatles history and the part he played.

27th December 1960 at Litherland Town Hall was the first taste of Beatlemania.

Listen to this fascinating interview with one-time Beatles bass player, Chas Newby.

Chas Newby – The Beatles Bass Player

David Bedford

Liverpool- the Fifth Beatle?

The latest video on our Brightmoon Liverpool channel is the first podcast episode of Liddypod, with myself and good friend Paul Beesley.

We cover the history of Liverpool and ask the question: is Liverpool the Fifth Beatle?

What do you think?

Liddypod Episode 1

The Beatles at EMI on 6th June 1962 – the day it all changed!

When The Beatles went down to EMI Studios on 6th June 1962, were they under contract or was it an audition?

This was the day that would change the story of the Beatles forever. It would lead to the Beatles obtaining their recording contract from Parlophone and working with George Martin.

It also led to the end of the road for Pete Best in the Beatles.

Examine the evidence with me now in this video.


The Beatles EMI Audition